Why go bespoke? - The Natural Journey Company

Why go bespoke?



Have you ever dreamed about having your own signature scent for your business, home or special day? Many people have thought about this, but have assumed that the cost of developing this would be too high for them to consider. Every scent tells a story and when you can work with an expert to develop your own unique blend it can be a wonderful and personal experience. 

Here's our top five reasons to consider going bespoke with your scent:

1. Just as you are a complete individual, you can develop a scent that individually and exclusively tells your story, in a way that no one else can. The notes that you choose and the way that they are blended can evoke memories that are cherished to you and walk you through the story that you wish to tell. 

2. You just can't find the scent that matches your needs. Perhaps you're looking for something with Rose & ylang ylang, but everything you smell just feels like it is missing something. Working with someone skilled in scent can help you translate your ideas and the feeling you want to create into a beautifully blended scent. 

3. You're looking to leave your customers with a certain feeling, and one that they remember as being connected to you and your business. Perhaps something that leaves them feeling calm, but energised, and that ties in with your brand identity and individual personality as a business owner. 

4. Connected to the above point, once you have your signature scent, you can then look to layer this across your business in different products such as candles, hand wash, room fragrance, all helping to create a wonderful sense of coherence and familiarity for your clients/customers, as well as new products that can be purchased. 

5. Create a legacy. Having something so unique to yourself or your business allows something long-standing to be created that can be enjoyed long into the future. Just think of that special day you want to hold in your memory forever. Your own personalised scent creates something that can be experienced again and again (which creates a powerful link to the original memory), and it can also be shared with others to create a window for them to enter into that special time for you. 

Want to find out more about creating your very own Bespoke scent blend?

Send us an email to hello@themindfulapothecary.co.uk and we'd love to tell you about our personalised services and helpful you create your very own scented blend, to tell your story. 



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